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100 Things About Tess That Are Too Random For Their Own Posts

Sunday, April 30, 2006

This is a work in progress post. Keep checking back for updates!

1) I am trying to expand my horizons with music that I listen to.

2) If I wake up in the middle of the night, I have to know what time it is.

3) So I wear my watch to bed. Because I can't see the alarm clock.

4) I don't like call-waiting.

5) And I don't like it when other people use their's when I'm on the phone with them. Like my phone call isn't important enough.

6) I used to never buy name-brand stuff, but I'm coming around to realize that sometimes the name brand is better quality.

7) Like when I have a cold, I have to use Kleenex. El Cheapo Brand will make my nose peel.

8) I eat Halls Defense Vitamin C Supplement Drops, Assorted Citrus. Do you think if I name the name-brands that I'll get free stuff if they google me?

9) I have never been happy with my face shape until now ... when I am 80 lbs overweight. What's up with that? When I lose weight, I want to keep my face, please. Thank you.

10) I love my wedding ring. It's just a gold band, 7mm comfort fit. No stones. It's kind of scratched.

11) It was too big when we got married, but now it fits. hmmm.

12) I have tried on other bands, different colors gold and platinum, titanium even, but none of them clicked with me.

13) But I don't like any other gold jewelry.

14) Deep down, I could really be a slob at housekeeping. I keep that part of me under lock and key.

15) But I do have one drawer that is absolute chaos, and I refuse to fold anything that goes into my underwear drawer. It's my drawer. For my drawers. And I only pair my socks for my convenience, not because it's neater and tidier that way.

16) But The Rev's clothes? Separate drawers for separate stuff. Dress socks in one drawer with black on one side and blue on the other. White socks in another drawer.

17) I love it when my husband says I look pretty.

18) I can face anything as long as I'm happy with my hairdo that day.

19) As I have very long hair, it's quite an accomplishment to have a great hair day, and equally dispairing if it's a bad hair day.

20) My favorite pens are the Pentel RSVP in purple.

21) I love to make lists.

22) And organize.

23) Anything.

24) I call myself bossy so no one else has to.

25) Sometimes I would really like to play dumb at my job so people don't depend on me so much.

26) I had mono when I was in 8th grade and missed the first 3 days of school.

27) I got out of gym class all year long because my doctor said something about the spleen being damaged. Who knows. All I know is the only part of gym class I liked was when we played volleyball.

28) I am so completely uncoordinated at sports, I was pleasantly surprised to be picked last for a team.

29) In elementary school, we played dodgeball.

30) I vividly remember catching the ball one time. Over my head. It was the one shot wonder.

31) I am a decoratard. I will probably someday pay someone to pick out my furnishings and decorations for me. Until then, my house will remain undecorated.

32) I like Cinnamon Life cereal.

33) My favorite late night snack is instant white rice, cooked, with sugar, butter, and milk. It is the best comfort food.

34) I love to read, but it's the kind of love that I hate to love, because once I pick up a book, I cannot put it down.

35) I also re-read books. Over. And over.

36) I don't like grape flavored anything.

37) I like orange flavored anything.

38) My laptop and I were made for each other.

39) I am allergic to cats and dogs, but when I see a precious little gray kitten, I cannot resist. I must hold and cuddle and love on it, and I will pay the consequences for a gray kitten. Dogs, I really don't care for. They are too noisy.

40) My Mom wanted to make my wedding dress for me, but I was being stubborn and wouldn't let her. Partially because I know she is a procrastinator like me, and it would be being hemmed the day before the wedding, and I couldn't handle it. So I bought my wedding dress and hid it from her for a week. When I told her, she cried. The week after the wedding, I hated the dress and cried. A year after my wedding, my sister got married. She was smarter, and let Mom make the dress. Yes, it was finished the day before the wedding, but it was her dream dress. I've always regretted doing that to my Mom in such an emotional time for her baby girl to get married.

41) Okay back to shallow stuff about Tess - did I mention yet that I Sharpies?

42) I'm very insecure about my cooking. So when I cook something totally awesome, I go around bragging about it. The Rev knows this is his fault for comparing my cooking to his Mammaw's cooking in my cooking formative years.

43) We ate out for the first 5 years of our marriage.

44) In the last 6 months I've probably cooked more than all those 5 years put together.

45) So when I post a recipe, I expect and demand wild applause and "I MUST try that!" comments.

46) I eat children's chewable vitamins every day. Again, no purple ones, please.

47) My favorite pen is the Pentel RSVP in purple. I'm not really a fan of purple as a whole, just that pen's shade.

48) I change our toothbrushes about once a month, and I always get the 2 pack that has a blue one and a pink one in it so we always know whose color is whose.

49) I made one scrapbook, one time.

50) My mom hosted a Creative Memories party for the sole purpose of winning the free wedding scrapbook for me. I still enjoy looking through it, but I'm done with them.

51) I love to read biographies.

52) The Little Colonel and subsequent books are some of my favorite to read online while I'm working at night.

53) I read 4 magazines cover to cover every month - Reader's Digest, National Geographic Traveler, National Geographic Adventure, and Time (that would be 4 times a month as it is weekly)

54) I use Cottonelle toilet paper.

55) I found my new favorite shower cleaner - purple bottle, orange trigger, Bam!

56) I do not clip coupons. (gasp! blasphemous!)

57) I LOVE green beans. I could eat green beans at every meal.

58) I don't really like chocolate very much. I like hot chocolate, and Reese's cups, but not chocolate ice cream, chocolate cake, or chocolate frosting.

59) I am meticulous about balancing my checkbook and credit card statements. It helps to use financial software to keep track of every purchase.

60) My mother-in-law sends us 2 cards for every birthday and anniversary - one funny, one serious.

*still working on this*

Hi, I'm Tess and this is my meme blog.

If one blog is good, two are better, right? I'm keeping my memes separate to give my regular posts some breathing room.


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